Last year the New York City Council passed Local Law 84, also known as the NYC Benchmarking Law which requires owners of large buildings to annually measure their energy and water consumption in a process called benchmarking. In general, if a property is subject to that law it is subject to the new Greenhouse Emissions Legislation also known as the Building Emissions law or the Climate Mobilization law, which was amended in April 2019. This law (Intro. No 1253) sets emissions intensity limits (metric tons of CO2e per square foot) — with science and technology-oriented language that can be confusing to many.
Urban Green / Metered New York provides a wealth of easier to understand information, including disaggregated data regarding your specific building. To find your (or any) building’s GHG Emissions, Energy Star score, or water and energy use, you can consult your Metered New York Report Card
Most lofty dreams, including cleaning up our environment often come with equally lofty price tags. The New York City Council approved the use of Property Assessed Clean Energy (P.A.C.E.) in NYC which offers financing tools that offer building owners up to 100% funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that can dramatically reduce energy use and utility bills. Click here for information about P.A.C.E.